Further Reading is a blog by the staff of the Gwinnett County Public Library. We update it twice a week. So check back often for news about goings on at the Library, reviews of books and media we like, as well as random musings on any number of topics of interest to readers and book lovers. Please let us know what you think by commenting on our posts. Thanks for reading!
Who We Are — The Blog Team
Karen has been with the library system for 17 years. Reading
is second nature likely because she spent 4 hours every Saturday in the
Dayton and Montgomery County Public Library as a child. Her favorite
genre is Historical Fiction, recent favorites being Fall of Giants, Winter of the World, Blue Asylum, and Mrs. Poe. Karen also enjoys biographies of historical figures, a recent favorite being Brenda Ashford's Spoonful of Sugar. She loves to listen to self-help or philosophical titles during her long commute. Her best friend is Modern Scholar.
Cara has been with GCPL for seven years. As a child, her parents’ best punishment was to take away her books for 24 hours. She reads to escape, but that doesn’t mean she won’t throw a non-fiction book in to the mix. Since her favorites change yearly, it’s hard to pick, but she generally reads fiction, mystery/suspense, and a sprinkle of romance.
Danny began working at GCPL in 2007. He's been a reader as long as he can remember but has yet to be able to nail down a favorite genre. He'll tell you his favorite book is Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. This may be so you'll stop asking. He also likes the thrillers of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, the mysteries of Agatha Christie, the fantasy of Robert Jordan, and a little bit of everything else that comes his way. If it's too long he'll probably listen to the audiobook.
Don came to GCPL in 2005 after years of teaching writing and literature. A recovering academic, he believes anything actually worth reading is worth reading again. Don is partial to literary fiction and serious non-fiction, especially short stories and essays. He will read anything by or about Hemingway, was amazed by Everything Matters, The History of Love and Oh, Pure and Radiant Heart, and can't get enough of Jhumpa Lahiri, Chang-rae Lee or Stewart O'Nan. He relaxes with the works of Sam Calagione and Jamil Zainasheff.
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